Support this website

This dex tracker is and always will be free to use. I’ll never run ads. You hate ’em, I hate ’em. That being said, I did spend a lot of time on this, and hosting a website isn’t free.

Current operating expenses:

  • Domain name: $ USD per year
  • Hosting service: $ USD per month

Total annual cost:

  • $ USD per month
  • $ USD per year

If everyone using this website donated $ per year, it would completely cover my website service expenses as well as the time I spend on development.

Donations are by no means required, but they are appreciated. Thank you for your support!

Membership perks

Becoming a supporting member of this site via Ko-fi or Patreon gives you these perks:

  • Exclusive access to the Living PokéDex Tracker Discord server, where you can chat directly with me and the other developers
  • Exclusive access to polls to vote on future features of the site
  • A shout-out on this page as a thank you for your support

Currently, there are three tiers ranging from $1/month to $10/month.

Supporting members





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