An update on the website and my ability to maintain it

Hello everyone. I posted on the newsletter a while ago about the worsening chronic health issues I’ve been living with, and how they’re affecting my ability to maintain this site.

Unfortunately, time to rest, physical therapy, and some treatment options didn’t work as I’d hoped, and now I’m facing down surgery. It’s nearly impossible for me to use a computer, phone, or tablet without pain, so I need to take a step back from intensive activities such as programming and doing web design.

What this means for you is that, unless I can find someone else to take over and maintain this website by August of 2025, I need to shut it down at that time. I will likely need to leave my job unless my symptoms significantly improve, which will mean I will no longer be able to afford the cost to keep this running.

If you or someone you know is familiar with Firebase, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and wants to take this site over, please email me. All of the code is publicly available on GitHub if you want to look at it first.

Thank you everyone for your support this far, and I can’t put into words how much it means to me that you all think my crazy little pandemic side project is good enough to trust with your dex tracking. I’ve learned so much working on this, and I wouldn’t have gotten this far without your interest and enthusiasm.

The easiest option I have right now for you to export your dex status is to use the Print to PDF feature of your browser. You can also use a Chrome extension like Awesome Screenshot to capture the entire page in one gigantic image. It’s kludgy and clumsy but it’s the best I can offer without the ability to custom-code something for you.

Thank you again, and I wish you all the best of luck in your future Pokémon adventures.

– Stephanie